About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to be a super hero!


Being a superhero is a trivial task. There are several steps you should follow before you become one.

Read carefully, follow the steps and do your best, at the end, human kind depends on you.

1. Pick a Great Costume.

If you want to be a respected and reminded superhero, you need a truly eye-catching costume.

Your costume should include wonderful colors and unparallel design. If possible, contact your favorite fashion designer to get a model that cannot be exceeded by an unscrupulous villain.
Don't fool yourself, there have been superheroes without great costumes in the past, like Tarzan, but that was from your grandfather age.

If you don't believe me yet, picture this: imagine yourself jumping from one building to another in New York City wearing a loincloth. It wouldn't be a great view for the people walking in the streets, don't you think?

Be Original

Do not even think to have a spider costume or a big S in your chest or your achievements could be credited to some other superhero.

Cape or not cape?

Besides the model, you should decide if your costume will include a cape.

While appealing and almost compulsory in the past, you should carefully consider if you will use a cape as capes can get easily stucked in modern parts like plane turbines or moving parts.
2. Pick a Superpower.

Let's get realistic, you cannot just go out to the street tomorrow and start telling everyone that you are a superhero. You will end in a mental institution for sure! To prove your point, you need a superpower.

As costumes, superpowers have evolved lately. You cannot be a superhero just for being strong, agile or fast like before, probably not even invisibility can fulfill the current requirements.

To be able to beat today's bad guys, you need at leat something quantic like space-time travel or a mutation to heal immediately, change appereance or read minds at will.

Some of the categories of Super Powers that can be considered are:

- Armored. Get an indestructible armor like Iron man.

- Elementalist. Get control over the natural elements like storm or Polaris.

- Gadgeteer. Create amazing gadgets like Batman.

- Mentalist. Get advanced mental abilities like telekinesis or telepathy found in Professor X.

- Speedster. Get an amazing speed to do anything, like flash.

- Healers. Get powers to heal from serious injuries, like wolverine.

- Martial Artist. This should be considered an extra bonus to any of the other superpowers described above, like Batman or Elektra.

3. Unparallel Moral Code

You should have a moral code strong enough to fight on behalf human race even if people think that you stink and you are a harm to society, even more be able to do this without expecting any kind of reward or recognizion.

Most of the times, superheroes are accused of destroying everything before people realize that they are saving the world.

4. Secret Headquarters

You should never hang your superhero costume in your closet, you need a place to secretly keep your costumes and gadgetery.

You cannot just wear lycra in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend. Find a secret place to dress yourself before kicking some butt.
5. Keep a Secret Identity

Popular or not, superheroes are not walking in the street during a normal day, they just appear when they are really needed.

Therefore, you should be able to perform the role of a normal person, even more, play the role of a little stupid if you can, like spiderman.

Be sure that you can walk in the streets without being recognized.

6. A symbol or logo

It used to be a symbol, but if you expect to sell shirts, glasses and obviously a video game, you should hire a real image expert who can develop a high-impact logo.

Be sure that your logo is not similar at all to the symbol of any other past or present superhero, as you do not want that the royalties got from your image end in the wrong hands.

7. Amazing Wealth.

You cannot fight for humanity and starve, don't you?

Your saving should be ready to support your superhero life.

8. Villains.

At Last but not least, is the selection of enemies. Let's be clear, there are not superheroes without supervillains, therefore selecting the proper villains is vital to a superheroe.

Villains should be smart, so you are smarter than them. Poweful, so you are more powerful than them and quick so you are quicker than them.

Even more, you should have several enemies, not just one, as you are able to fight them all at the same time.

Villains make superheroes famous!
So go out there and be a hero!
--Praise Sharp

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