About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Memories

All of us have Christmas memories that sick out in our minds....Mine consists of Cookies..........Heaven with icing n it :)

Amost every time my sisters and me would visit my Grandma Sharp we would bake christmas cookies and decorate them.

While we decorated the cookies we were allowed to watch a movie, just as long as it was a Christmas movie. My fovorite was "How the Grinc Stole Christmas." It's still my favorite. ^_^

---Praise Sharp

Christmas Memories

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Promises, Promises

Promises, we've all made them......but have you ever broken one? I'm not talking about having to break one for an emergency or something like that, I'm referring to the promises broken due to sheer cruelty.

So, what is a promise? In the Dictionary a promise is defined as: a declaration that something will or will not be done, given,etc., by one.
an express assurance on which expectation is to be basedsomething that has the effect of an express assurance;indication of what may be expected.indication of future excellence or achievement
something that is promised.

To me a promise is like signing a contract, a understood agreement between two parties that the said promise will be kept without necessary fail. I always believe that when someone makes a  promise, it will be followed through.

The real question is: How many promises have to be broken before you stop having confidence in the one making promises? How may times will you be subject to the vulnerability of hope? Too many "Maybes" and too many, "Ifs" keep you from reality.

Promises are meant to be kept, and if you can't keep one don't make one. Promises are like babies:  easy to make, hard to deliver. Never take a solemn oath.  People think that you actually mean it.

A promise made is a debt unpaid.  ~Robert Service

But the quote that has me in its claws right now is, "A promise is a comfort for a fool." ~Proverb

Which makes me a fool. I actually believed someone would keep their word to me, but they didn't. Hope is a myth that only exists in the hearts of the weak minded. I'm done trusting people who constantly break their promises, I wish there were some way I could take back the imbecilic nature of hope that I dared to have for a brief moment.......

--Praise Sharp

Friday, December 9, 2011

Life Without A Car Horn


Recently the horn on my car had died and I am going insane. I'm probably categorized as an aggressive driver, probably because I cannot stand slowpokes, morons and people who have no idea where they're going.

The Use of the Car horn is wonderful:

1. It communicates frustration for other driver's stupidity.

2. It allows you're true thoughts to be known in a round about manner.

3. Its a wake up call for "sleeping" drivers.

4. Its louder than the average human voice.

5. It allows you to yell without being arrested for verbal assault

6. Its bilingual, everyone knows what you're trying to communicate.

So, you can see why I'm frustrated. I've lost my voice on the highway. I'm a mime of the traffic world.

So, I've been thinking of alternative ways to communicate to idiotic drivers. Waving a gun out the window, shaking my fist, getting a megaphone and yelling, calling the cops on them, and or crying...

Yep I'm frustrated and I may get my next horn to sound like a gunshot.....that should really "part the waters..."

-----Praise Sharp

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Run, Introvert, run

Some days are just too comlpex for me. I just want to survive for ten mintues without something going completely out of control.

Most of the time its necessary for me to run away and isolate myself from every human on the planet.

Woman Sitting Alone On A Bench wallpaper for Wide 16:10 Widescreen WHXGA WQXGA WUXGA WXGA ;

Its necessary for me to get away where I can hear myself think, and re-analyze issues, fears, and complex problems

So I run. Sometimes without explination, or visual cause. Natural shyness plays a little into this

There are only a few problems with running away to hide. 
First, you have to make sure you're not being followed, Whats the point in running to a hiding place if you're with some one?

Second, should you choose to return to the person/group that you ran from, chances are, you'll have to explain youself which is almost impossible. Sometimes you don't get it yourself.

Thirdly, explaining this to certain extroverts may cause extreme mental discomfort to the introvert....go figure..... a migrane aor the need to run all over again.

--Praise Sharp

Monday, November 21, 2011

Big hands, Little hands

"As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others."

"Hold a true friend with both hands."
                              Nigerian Proverb

Call me strange and deranged, but among my many facianations I am facinated with hands.

I have learned that you can tell a lot about people by their hands, by they way they're maintained and shaped.

Merry Grinchmas Long Fingers

Scientifically hands are mechanically construected to the point where, the muscles which power the fingers are strong - strong enough for some people to climb vertical surfaces supporting their entire weight at times by a few fingertips. The muscles which accomplish this feat are stronger than you might imagine, for the biomechanics of the hand require that the force generated by the muscles which bend the fingertips must be at least four times the pressure which is produced at the fingertips.

"Men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, for everyone can see and few can feel. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are."--Niccolo Machiavelli

My own hands for that matter, are usually scratched up, due to my own clumsiness, and stupidity.

I guess some handsare just more hold-able than others.

---Praise Sharp

Friday, November 18, 2011

Perfection: What is it?

Perfection according to websters: is, broadly, a state of completeness and flawlessness.

1. which is complete — which contains all the requisite parts;

2. which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better;

3. which has attained its purpose

Perfection, every one reaches for it but, no human (save one) has ever achieved to capture it. Even though many try in vain

Its a wild mythological beast that cannot be captured by any living thing.

 Just for fun, I asked several people to define perfection.

"Not being able to be improved" -Ben

"A day at a Carnival with my friends."-Chelsey

"Holding hands with someone I care about."-La'shar

"Knowing that I've done my best to make some one happy today."-Jaman

"The relaization that I'm finished at last."-C.J.

It appears that everyone had their own definition of perfection.....and all of them are based on their own point of view. Interesting.
The next time I hear someone declare that they are perfect, I shall tell them that they are imperfect by someone else's presupposition. Life is about to get more fun than normal.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

After We Said Hello

Human interaction is insanely interesting to me. I would like to talk about a particular encounter in general.

I remember sitting in my pew on a rainy sunday night. I'll admit I was a few light years away. I looked at you before you looked at me and my mind began to dance in imagiantion. My first impression in one word: "Yikes!"

You walked up to me, and wheter you knew it or not I was looking for an escape route. Desprately trying to find a way out of meeting you, because my presupposition was that you'd be the type to bully those weaker then yourself. But....After I said "Hello" all that changed

I was wrong.
You weren't anything like I expected. I was expecting a rough, egotistical character.

But I found a kindred spirit, underneath your intimidating exterior. I found a person I could talk to about almost anything.
I found a wonderful friend. You didn't care that I was a nerdy kind of girl, or that I had a dark sense of humor, or that I wouldn't look you in the eye. You accepted me, as me.

After we said hello, A whole new, grand adventure had begun for both of us.
A friendship of epic porportions had begun and life became animated like a three stooges epidsode.

Lets just say that I'm glad to have you around and I'm proud to call you my friend.