About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How to Avoid Annoying People

Even when you have learned tolerance for everyone, sometimes there are those that you feel you just cannot tolerate. If someone annoys you, he or she may have invaded your personal space. If you rehearsing what you want to say to an annoying person, you have already let him or her get the best of you. Instead of reacting, or wasting your time, it is a good practice to simply stay away, or avoid, annoying people.

Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


  1. Get away and stay away. If an annoying person is in your space, remove yourself as quickly as possible. If the person annoying you is a stranger, you have no obligations for response.
    Avoid discussions. If you work with an annoying person, use email rather than meetings or personal discussions to communicate. Anything to avoid dealing with them in person
    Use space and distance to focus your thoughts. If you are in an office meeting, and an annoying person just cannot cease uninteresting conversation, excuse yourself and bolt for a restroom. Once inside, breathe deeply, and think of something funny before you return to the meeting.
    Stay in control of any conversation. If an annoying person that you know or work with draws you in to unavoidable conversation, feign confusion, wait for the clarification, and then thank the person before you exit quickly.
    Remain patient and professional. If the annoying person in your life is a co-worker, do not complain to other co-workers. Pretend the annoyance does not exist.
    Stay focused on what you want to accomplish in life. Discipline your thoughts and direct them toward things that benefit you. Do not waste your time and energy on superfluous or imaginary dialogue with an annoying person.
    Use you imagination to your benefit. Imagine that the annoying person is harmless and clueless. Realize that this person will not be in your life forever.

Monday, February 21, 2011

How to be a Ninja.

    1. First and foremost, ninjas are known for their stealth and invisibility. Part of that is in developing one's own sharp reflexes, grace, night vision, and ability to move quickly in silence. Think about whether you want to be an indoor ninja or an outdoor ninja, and start practicing right away.
      Next is the outfit. Conceptually, part is tough. You can easily go online and buy a ninja outfit online, but then you have to come to terms with the fact that you are a commercialized ninja. Just as James Bond is clothed by Brioni, you will be clothed by karatedepot.com. It might undermine your ninja street cred.
      Another option is making your own outfit. You could either kidnap someone and have them make it for you--using either threats and intimidation or seduction. Or you can learn to sew and make it yourself. Spider-Man did it. No shame in going to a fabric store.
      Outfits need to be light and maneuverable, as you will be doing many incredibly awesome moves in them. Generally, ninja outfits are depicted as being all black, but historically, there is no proof that this is true. Generally, they are in a solid color that is useful for camouflage. Ninja boots need to be sturdy, comfortable, and virtually silent. Head covering must be secure and cover the entire face except the eyes.
      Ninjas are warriors. Master a few weapons and be a master at trickery. Attach a sword onto your back. Become swift and accurate with ninja stars. Nunchucks, sais, bo staffs, swords and vanishing bombs are highly recommended.
      Get a mentor.
      Ninjas are often depicted as spies to learn secrets from their enemies, and therefore gain the upperhand in combat. Think about who your enemies are, and where you could disguise yourself in order to obtain undercover information.
      Be prepared for each of your missions. Often times, obstacles will arise which will throw your plans off course. If you're prepared, you will be better equipped to handle these spantaneous diversions.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to be a super villian!! Muaahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!


So you want to know how to become a super villain. Super villains are just like anyone else to begin with. They are simple men and women with no ill will towards man kind until one day changes that all.

  • 1. Acquire a job in a field that could result in some sort of radioactive mishap or technological slip up. As of now being shot by radioactive rays of some sort is the leading cause for superpowers (unless you are from another planet). Don't get down if you are not a leading scientist in your field simply being the janitor left to clean the room after hours will do.

  • 2. Lose that which you care most about and ultimately go insane. This cannot be a simple loss, but a loss were you feel all humanity has wronged you in some way.

  • 3. You will need a super villain name and costume. You can't be a SUPER villain without a good name and costume otherwise you're just a weirdo in spandex and no one will take you seriously.

  • 4. As a super villain you're going to need someone to fight and foil your plans for world domination. When it comes down to it no super villain is complete without a super hero to battle. Plus if there are two of you in spandex at least you will seem normal in comparison.

  • 5. If you don't have the build for spandex, PLEASE DON"T WEAR IT!! There are enough morons walking around with horrible physiques who think they look amazing in spandex....if you look grotesque in spandex and I see you, I will hunt you down and kill you myself. Make no mistake about that!

  • 6. Develop a signature characteristic. An evil laugh, a quirky signature, a calling card...anything that will prove that you have done your evil work and succeeded.

  • How to be a super hero!


    Being a superhero is a trivial task. There are several steps you should follow before you become one.

    Read carefully, follow the steps and do your best, at the end, human kind depends on you.

    1. Pick a Great Costume.

    If you want to be a respected and reminded superhero, you need a truly eye-catching costume.

    Your costume should include wonderful colors and unparallel design. If possible, contact your favorite fashion designer to get a model that cannot be exceeded by an unscrupulous villain.
    Don't fool yourself, there have been superheroes without great costumes in the past, like Tarzan, but that was from your grandfather age.

    If you don't believe me yet, picture this: imagine yourself jumping from one building to another in New York City wearing a loincloth. It wouldn't be a great view for the people walking in the streets, don't you think?

    Be Original

    Do not even think to have a spider costume or a big S in your chest or your achievements could be credited to some other superhero.

    Cape or not cape?

    Besides the model, you should decide if your costume will include a cape.

    While appealing and almost compulsory in the past, you should carefully consider if you will use a cape as capes can get easily stucked in modern parts like plane turbines or moving parts.
    2. Pick a Superpower.

    Let's get realistic, you cannot just go out to the street tomorrow and start telling everyone that you are a superhero. You will end in a mental institution for sure! To prove your point, you need a superpower.

    As costumes, superpowers have evolved lately. You cannot be a superhero just for being strong, agile or fast like before, probably not even invisibility can fulfill the current requirements.

    To be able to beat today's bad guys, you need at leat something quantic like space-time travel or a mutation to heal immediately, change appereance or read minds at will.

    Some of the categories of Super Powers that can be considered are:

    - Armored. Get an indestructible armor like Iron man.

    - Elementalist. Get control over the natural elements like storm or Polaris.

    - Gadgeteer. Create amazing gadgets like Batman.

    - Mentalist. Get advanced mental abilities like telekinesis or telepathy found in Professor X.

    - Speedster. Get an amazing speed to do anything, like flash.

    - Healers. Get powers to heal from serious injuries, like wolverine.

    - Martial Artist. This should be considered an extra bonus to any of the other superpowers described above, like Batman or Elektra.

    3. Unparallel Moral Code

    You should have a moral code strong enough to fight on behalf human race even if people think that you stink and you are a harm to society, even more be able to do this without expecting any kind of reward or recognizion.

    Most of the times, superheroes are accused of destroying everything before people realize that they are saving the world.

    4. Secret Headquarters

    You should never hang your superhero costume in your closet, you need a place to secretly keep your costumes and gadgetery.

    You cannot just wear lycra in front of your girlfriend or boyfriend. Find a secret place to dress yourself before kicking some butt.
    5. Keep a Secret Identity

    Popular or not, superheroes are not walking in the street during a normal day, they just appear when they are really needed.

    Therefore, you should be able to perform the role of a normal person, even more, play the role of a little stupid if you can, like spiderman.

    Be sure that you can walk in the streets without being recognized.

    6. A symbol or logo

    It used to be a symbol, but if you expect to sell shirts, glasses and obviously a video game, you should hire a real image expert who can develop a high-impact logo.

    Be sure that your logo is not similar at all to the symbol of any other past or present superhero, as you do not want that the royalties got from your image end in the wrong hands.

    7. Amazing Wealth.

    You cannot fight for humanity and starve, don't you?

    Your saving should be ready to support your superhero life.

    8. Villains.

    At Last but not least, is the selection of enemies. Let's be clear, there are not superheroes without supervillains, therefore selecting the proper villains is vital to a superheroe.

    Villains should be smart, so you are smarter than them. Poweful, so you are more powerful than them and quick so you are quicker than them.

    Even more, you should have several enemies, not just one, as you are able to fight them all at the same time.

    Villains make superheroes famous!
    So go out there and be a hero!
    --Praise Sharp

    HOW TO BE INTENSE ......

    It’s no shocker, I am an intense young woman– anyone who knows me can attest to this. I came out of the womb intense.

    I’ve accepted that this intensity is just a part of who I am, but I’ll be honest, it is something I struggle with. Do I wish I could be more laid back? Of course. I have been taking steps to lower my intensity (no not through medication.) My intensity is not all bad– it has made me extremely efficient, organized, and oh-so motivated. My family is nervous I am going to suffer from a heart attack (I say this jokingly)– because I am always thinking, always worrying, and always on the go.

     I want to excel in everything I do– especially my career. It’s a double-edged sword, really.
    Because I am so intuned with myself, I have pinpointed the exact causes for this special attribute of mine. If you are looking to pick up your intensity level, please feel free to use any of my suggestions.

    1. The Ninja Glare. One of the most impacting aspects of being intense. Yes, the Ninja glare is an effective tool in communicating intensity. Don't get me wrong, its not just staring at some one like a mad person, its focousing on a human and while doing that you communicate a strong emotion. It can be anger, happiness, joy, insanity....whatever you want. But it does take pracitce. And it also helps if you have a reputation of being intelligent. Use the glare when ever you encounter: a lawyer, a moron, dumb questions, questions you don't want to answer, in a contest,

    2. Life Perfection. I want everything to be perfect (not really but in essence)– and I know it’s so not going to happen. Off all people, I should know life isn’t meant to be perfect– to have a perfect plan. And to be honest– I do love the imperfections, I really do. But like any human, I need to remind myself of this more.

    3. Work Perfection. I probably work ten times harder then I have to, which is nothing new to me. And as sick as it may sound– I enjoy it. I love working hard and getting the results. I’m not referring to the pat-on-the-back (which is nice don’t get me wrong), but I live for the results– knowing my hard work paid off. Yes. Do I work through my lunch break? Yes. Do I work after hours, not because I need to, but because I want to? Yes. I feel like a sponge. I feel like there is so much to learn. And I want to learn it all– perfectly of course. But, I do not want to turn into one of those women whose life is their career. I just want to learn how to balance the work, college and the life better (suggestions welcome).

    4. Waste no time. I am big on not wasting time– whether it’s hitting the mall at 10:00 am when it first opens to avoid the midday hustle and bustle or getting errands done first thing in the morning to have the afternoon to gasp– relax. My time is precious to me. And I try to use my time efficiently... Do you know how much time is wasted in traffic, busy lines, crowds, and parking lots? Lots. Totally not my scene.

    5. Do it all. I have this weird idea in my head– I can do it all. I don’t need help. And if you try to help me, you are just going to slow me down. Ha. I want to do it all. I enjoy doing it all. I have taking on every hobby under the sun– banjo playing, scrap booking, picture album-ing, sculpting, cooking, gardening, reading, writing…and the list continues. Part of being intense is never stopping. And as I am writing this, I feel as though reading work emails and typing this at the same time is probably another excellent example.

    Saturday, February 12, 2011

    How to be Charming

    If you have a hardtime cranking up the charm here are five steps on how to be charming......I've had to work on it for years.
     As much as I have been chopping up the idea of Valentines Day, I think that its necessary to show that even thought you may be hacked off at the idea of being a non romantic person, you can still be a human magnet by using charm :)

     1. Take a genuine interest in people. The biggest difference between those with believable charm and those who seem fake, is an interest in others. When you speak with someone, really listen, ask questions and respond appropriately.

    2. Remember people's names and use them. There is a tendency for people to respond to the use of their own name. They warm towards others who thoughtfully use their names, and it's impressive if you remember someone's name after one meeting.

    3. Be generous with comments and be gracious when you receive them. A willingness to give people credit for their positive actions and accomplishments is the sign of a person with charm and character. Likewise, if you accept compliments with grace and a simple "thank you," you will impress.

    4. Greet others with a solid handshake and eye contact. A solid handshake generally communicates a strong personality and a high level of confidence. Eye contact helps you seem interested in people and make connections.

    5. Carry yourself with confidence. To ensure that you appear confident, try to maintain good posture at all times, keep your head held high, and try to appear chipper. A sunny personality is charming in itself.

    Friday, February 11, 2011

    How Flunk Of College (if that's your goal in life)


    Ok, so as you may or may not know some people are professinals at flunking out of college, so here are some tips on how to accomplish a complete college flunk out.

    WARNING: Intense Sarcasim Ahead
    1. On the first day of class, inform your instructor that you plan on flunking his/her class. Be sure to add that outstanding line at the end of your claim, "And there's nothing you can do about it."

    2. Go to ever single party thrown by your fellow classmates. You will suffer intense burn out staying up till 3am and you won't even have the energy to life your sorry excuse for a carcass out of bed.

    3. Don't go to class. Whats the point? I mean you're only wasting your money, you have lots to spare.

    4. Don't do your homework. Really? There is no need to do that 25 page single spaced paper! I'm doin ght earth a favor! I'm saving the world one tree at a time!

    5. Do drive your instructor insane. They really should have more stress put on them...just grading papers, dealing with morons such as yourself isn't enough.

    6. If you do go to class, make sure you're extremely disruptive. Cause an uproar on the prices of college tuition.

    7. Annoy the president of the college by whining excessively. Sure, they have lots of time in their hands, just sitting behind their desks, thats all they do right?
    ***Disclosure: I honestly recommend that all college students at least make an attempt to graduate.

    Tuesday, February 8, 2011

    10 Ways to Avoid Valentines Day (if it annoys you)


    For all of the people who are annoyed with the commercialization of Valentines day, here are 10 ways to avoid it.

    One. Don't go out anywhere on the night of the holiday.
    Restaurants are crowded, roads are congested, and people take chances drinking and driving.

    Two. Distract yourself with music and/or movies (at home) that do not have a relationship theme.
     If you are single and want to avoid rehashing those old memories, don't set up an atmosphere that encourages them.

    Three. Avoid conversing with friends who are in "relationships" during the holiday.
    This holiday is meant to be a joyous one for couples, why sit on the phone talking with friends who may or may not be happy with their mate? You may be supportive of their relationship or you may be tempted to give ill advice, because you're not in one.

    Four. Spend time with a family member or friend who has been helpful to you when getting over negative memories.
     For some people they may have some very tragic memories associated with the holiday, consider not being alone during this time.

    Five. Work late or assist someone with a project that doesn't have anything to do with the holiday. Treating Valentine's Day as just another day is important in helping you not dwell about the past or feel obligated to do something about it.

    Six. Embrace the holiday only if you know that you are so over your ex.
    This may include going out to a single's club with your other single friends, throwing a party, attending a concert or play, people watching at a café, reading at the library, or visiting a museum.

    Seven. Work out at the local gym.
    Use this time to release some tension and better your health.

    Eight. Threaten to choke anyone who tries to hook you up.
    Its like having a two year old playing with a canker sore. A good threat goes a long way.

    Nine. Take the local church up on their offer to attend a Bible study for singles.
     This is helpful both mentally and spiritually not just for the moment, but also for the rest of your life. Or if it reminds you that you aren't the only one out for revenge, assemble an angry mob and go to capitol hill to protest.

    Ten. Take some time to write about how you feel.
    Sometimes journaling can be therapeutic for people who are getting over some issues of the past. Just look at the succes of Edgar Allen Poe and his dark poetry, I suggest that you leave the drug taking part out.

    Monday, February 7, 2011

    Carnage? Maybe. Heartless? Slightly.

    Have you ever been in a situtation, where you did something completely out of character?

    You know, the moment catches you off guard and you suddenly find yourself thinking thoughts, imagining things that you normally wouldn't imagine?

    Lately, I have been visualizing myself being able to look at a person who has the *"gift" of gossip and making their tongue fall out of their mouth, or catch on fire or turn into sand. Honestly, I do not see the value of these people, they don't do anything useful, they're wasting air and I have a rather hard time seeing them as a piece of God's creational workmanship. This is NOT out of character.

    Now, perhaps you may think that I am a heartless robot, sometimes I am.

    You may say, "Oh how cruel! How can you just write people off like that? Its so unnatural! boo hoo!"
    Allow me to say that writing people off is easy when they write you off. Its a simple as that, rejection is easy when you've been been rejected so many times.

    So, needless to say, havig heartless tendencies has its benefits.