About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fantasy in Reality

Often times people have accused me of having an overreactive imagination.......(sigh) Really? Why is this a bad thing?

Most of my life is lived inside my head......and belive me it is a beautiful place...

I always hear statements like:

"You have a far away look in your eyes, like you see something that no one else can."
blue eye

"You're from another planet, Praise..."

"Where have you been? In your head? Stop wonderting or you'll get lost and never find your way back."

"You live in a fantasy world....get back to reality!"

After a while, these individuals sound like geese...honking, muttled, speech that all sounds the same...after about 10 minutes.

My imagiantion, is very much intouch with my reality, infact a lot of my reality is what makes up my fantasy imagiantion...which makes life interesting.

I have my real fears in reality, but in my imagination....they are darker, vivid and more terrifying than those in reality

I have my joy's in reality, but in my imagination, my joy's are more intense, they can be touched, and sculpted into various things.
Carousel Horses; carnival, Carousel, Fair, horses, merry-go-round, ride

In reality, I see my enemies, but in my imagination I see them as fierce mytholigical beasts that torment my very existance.

In my point of view the imagination merely flavors that which reality leaves, somewhat tasteless and bland.

I just perfer to keep my imagination active and in good shape, because I visit it every day...there's a thin line between them, so crossing over them is easy.

.........And that's just the way I want it to be.

---Praise Sharp

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Curious Case of Praise Sharp

I've been pondering a thought around lately.......which is sort of what I do best....I think my life would be an interesting movie...

Why? Well, my life consists of all movie types...........




I have so many random things happen to me, things that are odd, unreal, awkward and funny....mostly funny.

But of course, the person playing the role of Praise Sharp....I might be a hard character to capture lol :)
I'm definately not the glamorus type........This is a problem....but the idea of a movie about my life is very entertaining... ^_^

--Praise Sharp

Observation of the Dating species

Ok, its been a while since I've been on here....but a lot of things have happened...............a lot....

As many of you know, I have seveeral loner tendancies....one of them is reading...I love to read. Its relaxing. But lately I have wandered into the realms of the sidelines of relationships...out of sheer curiosity. What I have seen amuses me.

Couples walking down the street linked arm in arm.

Couples holding hands.

Playing games together.

I studied them, observed and documented some things that were interesting to me.
Mainly the idea that they are almost completely oblivious to the world around them.....this I found very amusing.

It was almost as if they had created a whole other world for themselves. A wolrd that was tangible, creative and somehow wonderful.

It seemed as though, their thoughts and dare I say it..emotions were one...

Some times they laughed,

Sometimes, they had their serous moments.

And sometimes, they shared an occasional nip on the cheek.

How strange......I'll have to observe this more often...its quite entertaining.

--Praise Sharp