About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It’s no shocker, I am an intense young woman– anyone who knows me can attest to this. I came out of the womb intense.

I’ve accepted that this intensity is just a part of who I am, but I’ll be honest, it is something I struggle with. Do I wish I could be more laid back? Of course. I have been taking steps to lower my intensity (no not through medication.) My intensity is not all bad– it has made me extremely efficient, organized, and oh-so motivated. My family is nervous I am going to suffer from a heart attack (I say this jokingly)– because I am always thinking, always worrying, and always on the go.

 I want to excel in everything I do– especially my career. It’s a double-edged sword, really.
Because I am so intuned with myself, I have pinpointed the exact causes for this special attribute of mine. If you are looking to pick up your intensity level, please feel free to use any of my suggestions.

1. The Ninja Glare. One of the most impacting aspects of being intense. Yes, the Ninja glare is an effective tool in communicating intensity. Don't get me wrong, its not just staring at some one like a mad person, its focousing on a human and while doing that you communicate a strong emotion. It can be anger, happiness, joy, insanity....whatever you want. But it does take pracitce. And it also helps if you have a reputation of being intelligent. Use the glare when ever you encounter: a lawyer, a moron, dumb questions, questions you don't want to answer, in a contest,

2. Life Perfection. I want everything to be perfect (not really but in essence)– and I know it’s so not going to happen. Off all people, I should know life isn’t meant to be perfect– to have a perfect plan. And to be honest– I do love the imperfections, I really do. But like any human, I need to remind myself of this more.

3. Work Perfection. I probably work ten times harder then I have to, which is nothing new to me. And as sick as it may sound– I enjoy it. I love working hard and getting the results. I’m not referring to the pat-on-the-back (which is nice don’t get me wrong), but I live for the results– knowing my hard work paid off. Yes. Do I work through my lunch break? Yes. Do I work after hours, not because I need to, but because I want to? Yes. I feel like a sponge. I feel like there is so much to learn. And I want to learn it all– perfectly of course. But, I do not want to turn into one of those women whose life is their career. I just want to learn how to balance the work, college and the life better (suggestions welcome).

4. Waste no time. I am big on not wasting time– whether it’s hitting the mall at 10:00 am when it first opens to avoid the midday hustle and bustle or getting errands done first thing in the morning to have the afternoon to gasp– relax. My time is precious to me. And I try to use my time efficiently... Do you know how much time is wasted in traffic, busy lines, crowds, and parking lots? Lots. Totally not my scene.

5. Do it all. I have this weird idea in my head– I can do it all. I don’t need help. And if you try to help me, you are just going to slow me down. Ha. I want to do it all. I enjoy doing it all. I have taking on every hobby under the sun– banjo playing, scrap booking, picture album-ing, sculpting, cooking, gardening, reading, writing…and the list continues. Part of being intense is never stopping. And as I am writing this, I feel as though reading work emails and typing this at the same time is probably another excellent example.

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