About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

10 Ways to Avoid Valentines Day (if it annoys you)


For all of the people who are annoyed with the commercialization of Valentines day, here are 10 ways to avoid it.

One. Don't go out anywhere on the night of the holiday.
Restaurants are crowded, roads are congested, and people take chances drinking and driving.

Two. Distract yourself with music and/or movies (at home) that do not have a relationship theme.
 If you are single and want to avoid rehashing those old memories, don't set up an atmosphere that encourages them.

Three. Avoid conversing with friends who are in "relationships" during the holiday.
This holiday is meant to be a joyous one for couples, why sit on the phone talking with friends who may or may not be happy with their mate? You may be supportive of their relationship or you may be tempted to give ill advice, because you're not in one.

Four. Spend time with a family member or friend who has been helpful to you when getting over negative memories.
 For some people they may have some very tragic memories associated with the holiday, consider not being alone during this time.

Five. Work late or assist someone with a project that doesn't have anything to do with the holiday. Treating Valentine's Day as just another day is important in helping you not dwell about the past or feel obligated to do something about it.

Six. Embrace the holiday only if you know that you are so over your ex.
This may include going out to a single's club with your other single friends, throwing a party, attending a concert or play, people watching at a café, reading at the library, or visiting a museum.

Seven. Work out at the local gym.
Use this time to release some tension and better your health.

Eight. Threaten to choke anyone who tries to hook you up.
Its like having a two year old playing with a canker sore. A good threat goes a long way.

Nine. Take the local church up on their offer to attend a Bible study for singles.
 This is helpful both mentally and spiritually not just for the moment, but also for the rest of your life. Or if it reminds you that you aren't the only one out for revenge, assemble an angry mob and go to capitol hill to protest.

Ten. Take some time to write about how you feel.
Sometimes journaling can be therapeutic for people who are getting over some issues of the past. Just look at the succes of Edgar Allen Poe and his dark poetry, I suggest that you leave the drug taking part out.


  1. But the drug taking part made him himself... :)

  2. I believe drugs degenerate a humans normal behavior that would make them appear like themselves.
