About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Monday, November 22, 2010

My Small Silver Bag

As I stood before the massive wooden doors, gazing at the delicate designs and carvings on it, I trembled with apprehension. In my hand was a small silver bag that contained my broken heart. Every hardship that I had been through, one by one, day by day, and fight after fight, had reduced my heart into a pile of grey dust. I could no longer bear to leave it in this condition. So, I went about on a journey to find some one who could repair my cremated heart. Its strange that one so young as I at that time and place could have a heart in such poor condition.
I had heard about the man who knew how repair broken hearts. But I had never met him personally, I had only heard about him from others who had stood at these same doors that stood before me that life changing day. It was like standing on the edge of a dock preparing to jump into a body of water of unknown depth, "Will I drown?" "Is this what I really need?" So many questions and fears plagued my mind, that I began to feel uncertain.
In a small step of faith, my quivering hand reached forth, my fingers curled around the brass knocker, "Knock, Knock." Silence. Perhaps I didn't knock hard enough. Just as I began to reach for the knocker again, the doors slowly opened. Light of unexplainable luster shone out from the entrance, I quickly shielded my eyes as I walked through the doors.
The inside of this dwelling was beyond everything I had imagined, so many bright colors of blue, green and gold, millions of hearts of all shapes, sizes and types hung on the enormous walls of marble around me. All kinds of little trinkets of character such as, love, joy, peace and happiness were stacked neatly on the shelves in the room. "Oh," I though, "To have just one of the trinkets for myself." But I knew that these things were highly valued and to purchase one with what little I had would be perposterous.
"Ah!" a deep voice said, "There you are, little one. I've been waiting for you." My body jolted with shock, I turned around then looked up. Befor me stood a tall and enormously large man. His countenance was as pure as a fine cut diamond, his eyes held wisdom and love beyond all human comprehension that saw directly through my soul, and his voice sonded like an stringed orchestra composed of well trained musicians. He beconed me to come closer, despite my apprehensions, and timidness and bent his enormous figure down to my eye level.
I gulped, and my lips quivered as I said, "Um, sir? C..Could you help me? I..I heard that you can fix anything, Could you fix this?" I held up my small silver bag. He nodded and extended his enormous hand towards me. I placed my small silver bag in it. I couldn't help but notice that on his wrist was a circualr shaped scar, It looked as though someone had inflicted this upon him with brutality and force.
He walked over to his work area and sat down on the large wooden chair. I stood on the tip of my toes to peer over the desk. He opened my small silver bag and emptied its contents in his right hand. There my cremated heart laid in countless pieces, like sand on a large plate. His eyes filled with compassion as he placed his left hand over my cremated heart and began to mold it back together. As he did this I felt the bending and tuning of every movement, after all it was my heart and its connection to me was not broken. Occasionally, I would feel a slight pain, especially when He took out an uncecessary chunk of rubble that had found its way in my heart.
At last he was finished. I looked at my heart and overwelming joy filled my soul. It wasen't scattered in a billion bits anymore, it was finally whole! He handed my heart back to me, and I stared at it in wonder and excitement. "Oh, thank you!" I exclaimed. I offered to pay him but he said it was already paid for. I had to give him something to express my thankfulness and joy. I had nothing of value that I could give him but my heart. The very thing that he repaired so carefully, I gave back to him. I placed my heart back in the small silver bag and returned it to its healer. He assured me that it would be safe in his arms and I could visit any time to check on it. I left the shop with more than I expected, I had all the priceless things that I thought were too expensive. I also had the reassurance that my heart in the small silver bag would be taken care of by the one who repaired it.

Praise Sharp

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