Laugh at yourself... everybody else does!
~ "Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair; a narrow escape into faith."
So, several of you may or may not know that I do a bit of clowning for our church functions, fund raisers and such.
This may be hard to beileve, seeing as I tend to come across as a serious, intellectual, hardnosed person at times. But its true :)
So you may be asking, how on earth does this happen?
Allow me to elaborate.
Well, its simple.
Every person has a bit of clown in them, maybe a sad clown, a funny clown, a happy clown, a confused clown, a silent clown.....there are all types. But generally its the direct opposite of the persona that a person posesses.
Next, you find the motivation. What does your clown personality want? Love, fun, to be understood, cookies, new shoes, a pet? Whatever it is, find it and make sure thats the center of the clowns motivation, every thing that clown does must be centered around that motivation. Personality is important as well.

Now, you must ask yourself the question, "What occupation does the clown have?" A housewife, police officer, dogcatcher, explorer, hairdresser, fashion expert, therapist, hunter, shoe fanatic, student, professor....the list goes on and on...Whatever appeals to you.
Then comes the fun part, creating your own make up pattren. I suggest you play around with some different styles that capture your inner clown best.
And dont forget a clown name. Binky, Blinky, Blossom, Bobo, BonBon,
Bongo, CupCake, Jingles, Scooter, Scruffy.... any good adverb, noun or nonesense word will do.
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