Recently, she has caught the eye of a great young man, and now they're dating. He is a gentalman, athletic, and rather easy on the eyes as well.
I am happy for them. And I love them both.
But recently, I have been a little apprehensive about their relatinship. I am happy, but I am afraid and sad at the same time.
I feel like a puppy in a window, watching as the people walk by.
I feel like my best friend is being taken away by Prince Charming. I am happy and sad.
I know everything about her, what makes her tick, her dreams, and goals...and she's slipping away from me.
Its so hard watching a wonderful person walk in and take another wonderful person away from you. Hand in hand.

I'm afraid. And I am not accustomed to it at all. It has paralyzed me like an ancient poison. I can't do anything. Some days, I can't even look the guy in the hurts. But maybe it will turn out to be the good kind of hurt in the end..
Maybe I will learn to share my beloved sister, with this prince...Only time will tell.
But it won't be easy.
--Praise Sharp
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