Well, it has rained and rained for about a week here in Indiana....rain make me want to crawl in a hole and sleep for a year.

Here are some facts about rain:
1. The umbrella was originally invented to protect peoplefrom the hot sun.
2. Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour.
3. Rain starts off as ice or snow crystals at cloud level.
4. Light rain is classified as being no more then 0.10 inchese of rain an hour.
5. Heavy rain is classified as being more then 0.30 inches of rain an hour.
6. Louisiana is the wettest state in the U.S, which receoved an annual rainfall of 56 inches.
7. Rain drops range in size from 0.02 inches to about .031 inches.
8. Rain drops do not fall in a tear drop shape, they originally fall in the shave of a flat oval.
9. Rain that freezes before it hits the ground is known as frozen rain.
10. Rain is recycled water that evaporated from our worlds lakes, rivers, oceans, seas etc.

One thing I do love about rain: umbrella's. I love them.
They come in all sorts of colors, patterns and sizes.
I own seven different umbrellas, which I use at different times, depending on my mood. I know....its strange.
Maybe its the idea of having something over my head to protect me from the elements. Or maybe its the idea of protection in general....or both.
Umbrellas. I just love them. From the classic black to the cute little froggie umbrellas. They facinate me to no end.
--Praise Sharp
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