About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

All this rain...and Umbrellas

Well, it has rained and rained for about a week here in Indiana....rain make me want to crawl in a hole and sleep for a year.

Here are some facts about rain:

1. The umbrella was originally invented to protect peoplefrom the hot sun.
2. Rain drops can fall at speeds of about 22 miles an hour.
3. Rain starts off as ice or snow crystals at cloud level.
4. Light rain is classified as being no more then 0.10 inchese of rain an hour.
5. Heavy rain is classified as being more then 0.30 inches of rain an hour.
6. Louisiana is the wettest state in the U.S, which receoved an annual rainfall of 56 inches.
7. Rain drops range in size from 0.02 inches to about .031 inches.
8. Rain drops do not fall in a tear drop shape, they originally fall in the shave of a flat oval.
9. Rain that freezes before it hits the ground is known as frozen rain.
10. Rain is recycled water that evaporated from our worlds lakes, rivers, oceans, seas etc.

One thing I do love about rain: umbrella's. I love them.

They come in all sorts of colors, patterns and sizes.

Umbrella Girl 1 Scarlet

I own seven different umbrellas, which I use at different times, depending on my mood. I know....its strange.

Maybe its the idea of having something over my head to protect me from the elements.  Or maybe its the idea of protection in general....or both.

Must Love Umbrella Couple
Umbrellas. I just love them. From the classic black to the cute little froggie umbrellas. They facinate me to no end.

--Praise Sharp


Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Mentality of a Clown


Laugh at yourself... everybody else does!

~ "Comedy is an escape, not from truth but from despair; a narrow escape into faith."

So, several of you may or may not know that I do a bit of clowning for our church functions, fund raisers and such.

This may be hard to beileve, seeing as I tend to come across as a serious, intellectual, hardnosed person at times. But its true :)

So you may be asking, how on earth does this happen?

Allow me to elaborate.

Well, its simple.

Every person has a bit of clown in them, maybe a sad clown, a funny clown, a happy clown, a confused clown, a silent clown.....there are all types. But generally its the direct opposite of the persona that a person posesses.

Next, you find the motivation. What does your clown personality want? Love, fun, to be understood, cookies, new shoes, a pet? Whatever it is, find it and make sure thats the center of the clowns motivation, every thing that clown does must be centered around that motivation. Personality is important as well.

Now, you must ask yourself the question, "What occupation does the clown have?" A housewife,  police officer, dogcatcher, explorer, hairdresser, fashion expert, therapist, hunter, shoe fanatic, student, professor....the list goes on and on...Whatever appeals to you.

Then comes the fun part, creating your own make up pattren. I suggest you play around with some different styles that capture your inner clown best.

And dont forget a clown name. Binky, Blinky, Blossom, Bobo, BonBon,
Bongo, CupCake, Jingles, Scooter, Scruffy.... any good adverb, noun or nonesense word will do.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Its pitiful....really pitiful

Alright...I am angry at myself. Why? Oh a lot of reasons....but one in particular.
I really hate that word. Its a pitiful word with a pitiful past attached to it.

I don't know why, but I have always been my own worst enemy. I do wish I had some strange archenemy in a physical form that I could battle and defeat physically, but.....if you are your own worst enemy...then there's hardly anything you can do about it...(sigh)

Anyway...inferiority....why it exists in me is a very long story and I am not about to tell it....its too unbearable and I don't have a sad violin to put with it..

In a figure of speech..............

Inferiority, in my translation is feeling less than adequate, not quite measuring up, not being what you should be, not meeting your highest goals, not suited for performance, unfit for service, useless....meaningless....not suited for human interaction. That's my definition of Inferiority....that's how I see it.

It makes me want to hide myself, become a hermit, and drift into my own world where I'm the OPPOSITE of everything that I am in reality...charming, lovely, fair, wonderful, stupendous, and all the other amazing things that I should be. But I'm not.

This is especially visible when I come across a human specimen that is stunningly lovely......I immediately want to run and get my nerdy self out of their sight....Ugh humans... :(

They usually look like this..

In my eyes, I look like this:

If they even come near me....I find myself screaming on the inside..

Or running away entirely comes to mind...

Running Away Girl Boy

I can't even look at them....and that is inferiority from the nerd's point of view.....its a hard giant to kill.....it seems so large, and I feel so small....but some day I will muster the courage to kill it...

---Praise Sharp

Thursday, April 14, 2011

And Away She Goes

I have a little sister who is all the things a little sister should be. Charming, sweet, shy, caring and funny. Also she is Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. RedHead.

Recently, she has caught the eye of a great young man, and now they're dating. He is a gentalman, athletic, and rather easy on the eyes as well.

I am happy for them. And I love them both.

But recently, I have been a little apprehensive about their relatinship. I am happy, but I am afraid and sad at the same time.

I feel like a puppy in a window, watching as the people walk by.

I feel like my best friend is being taken away by Prince Charming. I am happy and sad.
I know everything about her, what makes her tick, her dreams, and goals...and she's slipping away from me.
Its so hard watching a wonderful person walk in and take another wonderful person away from you. Hand in hand.

I'm afraid. And I am not accustomed to it at all. It has paralyzed me like an ancient poison. I can't do anything. Some days, I can't even look the guy in the eyes..it hurts. But maybe it will turn out to be the good kind of hurt in the end..

Maybe I will learn to share my beloved sister, with this prince...Only time will tell.

But it won't be easy.

--Praise Sharp

Monday, April 11, 2011

How to Laugh Like a Villain

In the many medias based on text (comic books, novels, some video games), it became common to represent an evil laugh through the constant repetition of an onomatopoeia that expresses a laugh. HAHAHAHAHA was the most simple and used representation of the evil laugh, but soon many variations appeared, to give more personality to to the villain and his laugh. Some variations are as follow:
  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (The most typical of laughs)
  • MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (A more malevolent type of laugh)
  • BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (A rounder and fuller laugh)
  • GWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Same as above)
  • HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! (A kind of chuckle)
  • GACK ACK ACK ACK! (Form of a cough and a laugh)
  • HEEHEEHEE! (A giggle)
  • HAH, HAH!
  • HAR, HAR! (The laugh of a villain with generally low intelligence)
  • MWEE HEE HEE HEE! (A mentally deranged laugh)
  • UWEE HEE HEE HEE! (Same as above)
  • YEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! (Form of a shout and a laugh)
Some evil laughs are minor variations of others, or even fusions of many other evil laughs.

Reasons to use a evil laughEdit Reasons to use a evil laugh section

You're minced meat!
Villains can use their evil laughs in many different occasions. Some of them include:
  • To show their superiority;
  • To show how magnificent their plan is;
  • To show the hero that his efforts are all in vain;
  • To taunt a weaker opponent;
  • After giving a demonstration of their power;
  • After killing the hero, or killing one of the hero's friends in front of him;
  • After going insane;
  • After finishing a villain song;
  • Some villains like to laugh for no reason at all.

---Praise Sharp