For the past week and half, I have been suffering from acute bronchitis. I have practically no voice whatsoever and when I take deep breaths it sounds like someone is popping pop corn in my chest and lungs. Mobility has been very limited, and for once in my life I have no strength whatsoever. So other than sleeping, swallowing pills the size of a quarter, and lack of communication, I'm having a ball.

On the bright side, everything I touch is mine, the dog and I have become closer than ever, I don't have to worry about getting surprise hugs, and my fever is so high that I can cook an egg on my forehead.
Yes, life is defiantly different from the plagued humans perspective.
Which is why I ask Adam and Eve the pondering questions:
"Was it worth it!?" "Do you really think that eating the forbidden fruit was worth it?" "What did the fruit taste like?" "How does it feel to have all people all over the world suffer and die because of your selfish, stupid, mindless, ignorance!?" "Do you see what you've accomplished? Look at all the money undertakers, nurses, and doctors make off you're dumb mistake, why without you they would be out of business!"
Indeed, these are the thoughts that have been going through my head for the past week and half. Honestly, I have imagined myself walking into the Garden of Eden and tackeling both Adam and Eve before they eat the fruit. I have imagined myself taking a sledgehammer and knocking they're skulls in before they even get near the tree. I have imagined myself taking a chainsaw and cutting down the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and burning it to roast smores.
The imagination is truly a gift from God.....
So, in closing; I would like to say that I am angry at the first man and woman and snake, and if I ever encounter any of the morons who played a part in cursing all humans of the world, I...am...going....postal.
That is all.
-Praise Sharp
Apples grow on apple trees. But what fruit grows on the tree of knowledge of good and evil? Do a search: THE FIRST SCANDAL.