About Me

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I'm a student at Indiana Bible college. I have a driven passion and determination for the Gosple and academics. Words that describe me: Unique, random, brainaic, intense, stubborn, otter, book worm, dictionary Homo Sapien, funny, awkward, unintentionally hilarious, impatient, studious, intuitive, poetic, thinker, philosopher.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Let There Be Joy...

Let There Be Joy..

I'll admit, I have a hard time putting up a front. If I'm angry, I'm angry. If I'm depressed, I'm depressed...My face always tells on me every single time I try to cover up a emotion. Its a complete part of who I am and will always be.

But lately I've been abundantly happy. I feel a sense of complete purpose in my life. Its like opening your eyes and seeing a beautiful foreign land for the first time. Ah, the beauty, the wonderful sights, sounds and smells that you're body drinks in. It almost too much ot keep it to yourself. I've found myself laughing a lot, smiling alot and being exceedingly happy or joyful.

And I like it.

Its like running through a mile long  field of dasies in a long  blue flowing dress on a breezy summer afternoon just as the sun is sinking in the distance giving the world a golden glow. There is a wimsiness and sheer bliss that makes me think of a childhood long forgotten. Its a wonderful surge of complete joy.

If it is at all possible, I hope it stays like this for a long time. --Praise Sharp

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