People do a lot of leaving in their lifetime.

We leave things, people and places almost every day. Perhaps leaving people is one of the toughest things to do in life. Especially some one you're emotionally attached to.
Some times we walk away from realtionships because we're hurt, or afraid or finished.
I find my self leaving relationships because I'm afraid.
I tend to run away fom things I'm afraid of, because its what I do.
I find myself feeling complete after I leave a bad realtionship.
The sad part is I hold on to littel things that hold me back from going forward.

I take fear with me. It reminds me that if I make my heart vulnerable, I will experience pain.
Fear can be a useful thing, it refereshes the memory of one with hopeful thoughts, that maybe this time things will turn out right.
At times Hope can be a foolish thing. But people still grasp hold of it. Perhaps its not so foolish.
Perhaps, hope can give you a bit of color in life, a bit of light that makes life bearable.
What would we do with out it?
Perhaps a little bit of foolish hope wouldn't hurt, this time. Maybe, just maybe.
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