The people who are always perplexed by the shiny, colorful and complex.

They take time to observe everything up close with with idealistic zeal, unwilling to see negative consequences even when objection is right in front of their faces.
At first glance, these idividuals are seen as morons, but if by changce you happen to glance at them again you'll find that they're not morons at all.
They're fearless.
They approach apprehensive things without fear or heistation.
Shy people usually run away from the curious people, due to fear of exposure and invasion.
Curiosity invades with out any formidable feelings, which sends the shy people running like a scared deer.
These people capture my attention because they're brave. They deal with things much larger and frightening than themselves with ease.
Its simply facinating, how they allow curiosity to be their taks master. I must learn how they accomplish this amazing feat.