Most of my life is lived inside my head......and belive me it is a beautiful place...
I always hear statements like:
"You have a far away look in your eyes, like you see something that no one else can."
"You're from another planet, Praise..."
"Where have you been? In your head? Stop wonderting or you'll get lost and never find your way back."
"You live in a fantasy world....get back to reality!"
After a while, these individuals sound like geese...honking, muttled, speech that all sounds the same...after about 10 minutes.
My imagiantion, is very much intouch with my reality, infact a lot of my reality is what makes up my fantasy imagiantion...which makes life interesting.
I have my real fears in reality, but in my imagination....they are darker, vivid and more terrifying than those in reality
I have my joy's in reality, but in my imagination, my joy's are more intense, they can be touched, and sculpted into various things.

In reality, I see my enemies, but in my imagination I see them as fierce mytholigical beasts that torment my very existance.

In my point of view the imagination merely flavors that which reality leaves, somewhat tasteless and bland.
I just perfer to keep my imagination active and in good shape, because I visit it every day...there's a thin line between them, so crossing over them is easy.
.........And that's just the way I want it to be.
---Praise Sharp
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