I love Birthdays! I really enjoy the company of good friends and family members. The hugs, the games, the laughter the cake, its all wonderful.
But, there is one thing I hate with every ounce of human lothing about birthdays: The Birthday Song.
This is where I go absolutely insane. When I hear the words of the most annoying song in the world, I might as well be put in a straight Jacket:
Now, you're probably wondering, "Why on earth does this seemingly, charming young lady hate the Birthday song so much?"
I shall answer this question to the best of my ability:
First, I hate it because it is mentally paralyzing.
Second, its repetative.
Third, its embarassing.
Fourth, There is nothing you can do while its being sung to you except run like a fugitive, then you look like a mental patient (which is probably how you feel)
Fifth, people are staring at you.
Sixth, You want to crawl away and hide somewhere.
Seventh, Its socially awkward, for a socially awkward person.
Eigth, people are taking pictures of this awkward moment.
The List goes on and on and on.....
And that is why I have the DREADED birthday song.
----Praise Sharp
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